Documentary 75min
France THM productions - Pom TV - CANAL +
JIGEEN NI, the way of the women

Documentary 52min
France THM productions - Pom TV

Film by Frédéric Soljcher
with Agnès Jaoui, Géraldine Nakache, Jonathan Zaccaï
La cours de la vie
Clip musical
About me
I went to Senegal in 2011 with the aim of making a self-produced documentary. It was in this context that I met Ousmane Masseck Ndiaye, Minister of Tourism, in 2012, who offered me a job as a director for his new television channel, "La Chaîne Sénégalaise". A few months later, he put me in charge. In 2015, I decided to leave this structure to produce and present my own programmes for SenTV. In 2016, I decided to return to France to focus on my favourite profession, directing.